Monday, March 10, 2014

The catcher in the rye

1.- How does Holden change when he visits Mr. Spencer? Do you think Holden is being fake?

A: When Holden Visits Mr. Spencer he doesn't say what he really feels he is really fake "So I shot the bull for a while, I told him I was a real moron".

2.- What is significant about Dr. Thurmer's comment: "Life is a game that one plays according to the rules" What is Holden's opinion about the statement?

A:Dr. Thurmer says that life has rules because it's a game, it means that Thurmer thinks he needs rules to continue his life, but Holden thinks that if you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, but if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots there's no game and it is nothing.

4.- Why does Holden leave Elkton Hills?

A: Holden leaves Elkton Hills because it was full of phonies, specially the headmaster. "One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. Holden hates the headmaster and how he treated parents in different ways depending on how the were.

5.- Holden says "I'm quite young for mi age," and "I told him I was a real moron and all the stuff". What do these statements tell you about Holden?

A: It tells me that he was really inmature for his age and that he usually acted like a child. "I act quite young for my age sometimes" He constantly acted like a child and he didn't change at all, maybe he realised but didn't try to change even though everyone told him to, thing he hated.

6) why does Holden characterize himsellf as a liar at the beginning of chapter 3 ? what does he lie about? Why do you think he lies?

A: Holden introduces himself at chapter 3, telling us that he's  "The most terrific liar you've ever seen in your life" and he says that he's lied to everyone, like "when somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera". Additionally he has lied to this teacher (old Spencer) too, telling him that he was going to gym. I think he lies because he doesn't trust anyone. As he classifies people in two groups, he doesn't have a good relationship with people so he thinks that he must carry himself.
7.-What is ironic about Holden's statement, "I'm quite illiterate but I read a lot"

A: It's ironic because if he is illiterate that means he can't read but he reads what he likes.
8.-What is Holden's attitude / how does he feel about Ackley?

A: Holden thinks he is really annoying, he enters into Holden's room without knocking, he has a really poor hygiene and he never misses the opportunity to tell him that he is 18 years old and Holden just 16.
9.- How is Stradlater characterized according to Holden and Ackley?

A: According to Ackley he's got a supperior attitude all the time, that he thinks he is intelligent but he isn't.
"The reason you're sore at Stradlater is because he said that stuff about brushing your teeth once in a while"
So probably Ackley just doesn't like Stradlater and that's why he said that. Holden says he is completely different, he says that Stradlater is conceited but very generous in some things. Holden knew him better than Ackley did, also he liked him much more than Ackley did.
10.-Is feeling sorry for something the same as caring?

A: No, to feel sorry for something you need to care for it, if you don't care about a thing or someone you wouldn't feel sorry for it or you wouldn't even mind about it.

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