Friday, July 6, 2012

                                                 Team Development Plan o.0


We will invetigate about Colegio Francisco de Miranda and Colegio San Viator Ovalle (I think, I dont understand this question o.0)


Compare two schools, and learn about does, using vocabulary of the Unit that we study, and with this do a blog.

How to be done:

Find information in the school's pages ,and to do blog of this, with pictures, and informacion obviously.

By when & by who?

Each of us, will have a diferent school.


This will be checked be Miss Carla (?)

Well, I finally finish, okay, is time of "Pobre, Rico" :3!

1 comment:

  1. Nicolas,
    You need to have the answers to the two sets of questions this Tuesday.
    Miss Carla
