Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Moodle task

Resultado de imagen para racist graffiti
The location of this |grafitti  is a grey wall close to a black door
This is a racist graffiti because they are discriminating black peolpe saying that in that place only can be white people, is targeting black poblation.

Resultado de imagen para antiracist poster
This is a poster of a panda saying that no one must be racist, and he is and example because he said he is black, white and asian and everyone loves him, so people should not be racist.

Resultado de imagen para negroo feo
He is different because  he is black, he might fit in my social environment because in Chile we aren't racists, and here being black, whitee or asian is not a problem

In the school don't happened to many discriminatory incidents but, a discriminatory indicent I remember that ocurred in the school was that a group of people start bothering a youngest boy of a lower grade because they said he was ugly, and they bother him constantly, until a teacher saw what the group of boys was doing and the teacher gave them a detention and they must said sorry to the younger boy.

What do you think about racism?

"Can you honestly say that I'm better than you or you are better than me, just because we have different hair color, just because our skin may be lighter or darker than each others? The value of a human being isn't based on how tall they are, how dark they are, if they're eyes are light, or if they're eyes are dark, the value of a human being can be based on their actions, how they go about through life, doing the right thing and contributing to make this world a better place. Is it possible to say that just because my skin may be lighter or darker, I will not do the right thing, or I will do the right thing? Not acceptable, we cannot base physical traits onto traits that are of integrity of the human being, there is no correlation. Yeah, I'm blonde, I have blue eyes, I'm white, I have friends who are may be dark skinned, with dark eyes, but we're the same! And we walk together, and we talk together, and we go eat together, but I see no difference among us. Maybe other people do, and maybe that has to do because this people do not have the integrity to see the one priority is what they are on the inside. Racism is a form of discrimination. Saying that somebody who has a different skin color is better, or worse than another, is the same as saying "You know what? he's better than me because he has a bigger car", or "he's better than me because he's a man, and I'm a woman", this are physical traits, this are not what make the value of a human being. So as a message to all, NO to racism, NO to sexism, and NO to discrimination" -Juanita Larrain

A movie that talks about racism is INVICTUS, racism in this film is show like something should stop, is stupid and unaceptable.

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